Your Member Benefits: The ICF Reciprocal Peer Coaching Program - International Coaching Federation
Coming Up: International Coaching Week (ICW): May 13-19
New Member-Exclusive Benefit: ICF Engage

Your Member Benefits: The ICF Reciprocal Peer Coaching Program

The ICF Reciprocal Peer Coaching program is ­one of the many benefits of ICF membership. The program is designed to ensure ICF members have regular opportunities to be coached and to develop their coaching skills by coaching another coach, all the while accruing paid coaching hours, which can be applied toward an ICF credential application.

Participants will receive professional coaching from one colleague in exchange for coaching another peer. The ICF Reciprocal Peer Coaching Program is currently available in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Turkish.

The program is available to all ICF members for a nominal coordination fee. However, starting May 1, the coordination fee for participation in a standard round of the program will increase to $60 USD per round, which is an increase of $5 USD from the current fee. This fee supports the online ICF Reciprocal Peer Coaching platform and external monitoring of all reciprocal relationships, ensuring that all participants give and receive equally.

Learn more and register for the program on our website.

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