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Here's Why You Keep Landing Jobs You Hate


Want to know a little harsh truth? You might be the reason you keep landing jobs you hate.

No, it's not because you’re terrible at what you do or not good enough for a job that makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning. Believe it or not, you might just have some bad job search habits that could be causing you to miss the signs before you accept the job offer.

So, to help you break this pattern, here are a few reasons you keep landing jobs you hate:

You skim through job descriptions.

Studies show that most job seekers spend only 14 seconds reading a job description. This means most people spend more time warming up food in the microwave than reading about how they might spend the next few years of their lives. Skimming job descriptions and applying for roles without doing research on the company doesn’t allow you to make an informed decision about whether or not you should pursue the opportunity.

You treat your job search like a race.

If your main goals when searching for a new job are applying to as many jobs as possible and getting out of your current job as quickly as possible, then you might be guilty of treating your job search like a race. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to transition to a new opportunity quickly. But, when you treat your job search like a race, you’re more likely to miss warning signs that you’re headed down the wrong path. It’s so important to pace yourself because getting hired isn’t the end; it’s the start of a new beginning.

You don’t know your goals and needs.

As a career coach, I’ve noticed that most people know what they don’t want. But, they rarely know what they do want in their careers. They may know they don’t want a micromanager or an unhealthy work environment. However, when asked to describe the type of leadership or work culture they need to thrive, they’re often not sure. Going about your job search without clarity or direction will lead you to accept whatever comes your way, which leads to new jobs with the same problems.

Your only focus is impressing the company.

Interviews are a two-way street. But, if your only focus is impressing the company, then you’re missing a major opportunity to learn and gain key insights that can help you decipher if you’re pursuing the right next role for you. By all means, you should aim to stand out and impress the interviewer, but you should also observe and ask questions so that you walk away with the details you need to determine if the opportunity is a mutual fit.

You go wherever you’re wanted.

As a talented, qualified high-achiever, you might find that opportunities come to you without trying. Maybe every time you hop on LinkedIn, there’s a new recruiter in your inbox wanting to interview you. Or, every job you’ve accepted has been from a referral who just randomly thought of you. But, accepting job offers simply because they want you without you being sure if you want them increases the chances that you might not be happy in the long run. As I share with my clients, opportunities are always available to people who prove themselves valuable. So, the minute you recognize that, you won’t feel inclined to jump on every opportunity. Instead, you’ll be able to take a step back and decide which of those opportunities are right for you.

Know that if you’re guilty of any of these habits or if you've ever landed a job you regretted, you’re not alone. A recent survey by Harris Poll taken by 2,000 American adults found that one in five people regret accepting their new jobs. The good news is that by recognizing which job search habits you need to break, you can make better choices that can lead to better job opportunities for you.

Adunola Adeshola coaches high-achievers on how to take their careers to the next level. She is the author of the guide How to Go From Zero Interviews to Dream Job Offers.