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8 Ways To Maintain Work-Life Balance And Avoid The ‘Holidaze’


‘Tis the season to be jolly! December is the month for multicultural celebrations as Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa incorporate timeless rituals passed down for generations. The winter solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. And December marks Bodhi Day for Buddhists–the day about 2,600 years ago when the Buddha (which means Awakened One) sat under the bodhi tree until he rose enlightened.

Holidays are supposed to be fun and for many people sacred. But they often turn into hectic instead of joyous times, mimicking the hustle work culture that many are immersed in from day-to-day. The American Psychiatric Association reports that 31% of adults believe they will be more stressed this holiday season compared to last year. Being "always on" increases stress and compromises our productivity and mental and physical well-being. The toll is cumulative and far reaching and often leads to burnout. During the holiday season, the hustle culture feeds the fire of burnout, heightening the flames of overdoing unless we intentionally practice mindful productivity.

Between shopping for gifts, attending parties and planning family activities, plus an uncertain economic future that is casting a cloud over the holidays, chances are you have little time to relax and enjoy this special time. It’s important to stop and ask how often you miss the joy because of the stress you unwittingly create for yourself? By rethinking what the holidays mean to you and taking a few minutes each day to pamper yourself, the stress of the holidays can melt away. Here are some tips to warm the chill in the air, help you find “me time” and stay true to the meaning of the season.

  1. Do it your way. Don’t let the seduction of the holiday season cause you to relinquish your personal power. Avoid the hustle, materialism and commercialization, instead of letting it sweep you off your feet or contaminate the true meaning and enjoyment you get this time of year. You don’t have to get caught up in the “There’s only X shopping days ‘til Christmas’ syndrome. Celebrate the season in a way that’s meaningful to you—the kind of holiday you want, not the kind merchandisers want you to have. Remind yourself that the holiday season doesn’t get to choose how you will celebrate; it’s up to you and your loved ones to choose how you want it to be.
  2. Keep it simple. Tradition is part of the holiday season, but just because you’ve always done things a certain way—to excess and in a hurry—doesn’t mean you can’t adapt it to the new normal. This requirement can throw us into a frenzied whirlwind that includes shopping, baking and planning parties—all on top of an already packed everyday schedule. Break or downsize old habits. Take the emphasis off grand gestures and indulge yourself in simple acts of pleasure. Retain the real meaning the beliefs have for you and your loved ones and celebrate the season in a safe and joyous way. When you’re already maxed out, don’t make yourself feel like you must go to every party or buy everyone a gift.
  3. Be an angel to yourself. Put yourself at the top of your holiday gift list. If you’re in the habit of putting your needs at the bottom of the list to meet work or personal demands, you can’t be the best version of you. Self-care prepares you to give more to others. When you put yourself first, there’s more of you to go around. Dr. Christopher Taylor, founder of Taylor Counseling Group, makes these four suggestions on ways to avoid family conflicts throughout the holiday season: put your needs first, value your time and ask others to do the same, avoid engaging in family gossip and eliminate possible triggers.
  4. Sustain your exercise regimen. Short walks or Microchiller meditations (three to five minutes) can help you unwind and clear your head. By taking a few moments to relax each day, stress won’t seem as overwhelming, tasks will be more manageable and you and your loved ones can enjoy the true meaning of the holidays.
  5. Find intentional moments. If you’ve been endlessly shopping in the crush of crowds, the last thing you want at the end of a long day is more noise and chaos. When loved ones have gone to bed, indulge in a moment in front of the holiday decorations. Reflect on what the season means to you. Create a cozy, private spot where you can relax undisturbed and reflect on the season. Meditate on soothing holiday music, burn scented candles or browse through greeting cards and photos of holidays past.
  6. Give yourself “holiday cushions” (extra time). Cushion your workday with extra time between appointments to soften stress blows. Know where to draw the line so you’re not constantly rushing and you can enjoy the festivities without being “hustled and holidazed.” If you’re feeling pressure from friends or family to get together, buy more gifts or cook more food, be able to say no to stressful demands and make a conscious effort to slow down and take breaks during activities.
  7. Get ahead of job stress and burnout. Make sure you realize you’ve hit your breaking point long before stress-warning signs set in. Avoid putting yourself under unrealistic deadlines. Spread job tasks over reasonable time frames. Try leaving for your workstation (even if you’re working remotely) 10 or 15 minutes earlier so you won’t start your day in a hurry. Ease into your workday instead of catapulting into it. Unplug at the end of the day and set boundaries to protect your personal and private time.
  8. Balance your time between staying active and restorative rest. Don’t risk your health or forfeit your self-care routines. You need them during the holidays more than ever. A walk or jog around the block combined with five minutes of meditation both give you a biochemical boost. Activity raises endorphins. Quieting your mind stimulates the part of your brain that dampens the surges of adrenaline and cortisol accompanying stress.

Happy Holidays!

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