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10 journaling apps to turn today into a better tomorrow

February 27, 2024 - 20 min read

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The importance of journaling

What are journaling apps?

Benefits of keeping a digital journal

What makes a good journaling app?

The 10 best journal apps

Journal today for a better tomorrow

Out of nowhere, an “Aha!” moment crosses your mind. Maybe you’re on the bus, sitting at your desk, or on your lunch break without a pen and paper to jot down the fleeting thought. Luckily, you have a journaling app on your phone to capture your idea for later. 

Journaling apps offer a convenience that traditional diaries don’t — the ability to record your emotions, experiences, and ideas no matter where you are. 

With so many options, including mood trackers, manifestation journals, and AI-powered mental fitness journals, it’s hard to narrow down the right journal app for you. We’ve chosen our 10 favorites to help you choose one and start writing today. 

The importance of journaling

Your professional life is full of ebbs and flows. But with a busy schedule, you may prioritize immediate tasks and put reflective processes or creative pursuits on the back burner. 

Journaling creates time for you to reflect or self-reflect, especially if it becomes part of your daily routine. Plus, studies show it can reduce the effects of anxiety and depression and even boost your immune system. Writing about recent challenges or traumas can help increase resilience and decrease stress, providing you a valuable space to process emotions and work through problems.   

Capturing the emotions attached to emotionally charged moments throughout your day or the subtleties of a feedback session can also offer valuable insights into your career trajectory and professional or personal goals. Patterns in your thinking might emerge, and you may notice recurring frustrations, identify areas for growth, or recognize your strengths. This might include: 

  • Recognizing toxic traits in colleagues, higher-ups, or your work culture
  • Brainstorming characteristics of your ideal job role or work environment
  • Pinpointing specific skills or experiences you want to develop
  • Uncover aspirations to build into your life plan
  • Analyzing your work-life balance and identifying behaviors to prioritize
  • Celebrating your accomplishments
  • Tracking progress toward goals set during performance reviews or personal assessments

You might associate journaling as a tool to work through difficult moments, but journals offer a space for introspection and reflection for all of life’s moments. Regular journaling enhances your self-awareness, even if you’re keeping those insights to yourself. It’s a space to process emotions, channel your creativity, and, ultimately, develop a deeper relationship with yourself.

What are journaling apps?

A journal app is an app designed to record your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, much like a paper journal. The distinction between analog and digital journals is their enhanced features, including password protection, multimedia functions, and a mood tracker. Additionally, daily prompts or templates in the apps can provide you extra support on days when your mind draws a blank. 

With the ubiquity of smartphones, tablets, and laptops, journaling apps make recording your thoughts more convenient than paper journals, allowing you to capture emotions wherever and whenever you need to capture a fleeting thought. 

If you prefer a paper journal, you can track thoughts in a journaling app and transfer them later — or you can stick to the app to record your thoughts. Choose whatever feels best and makes keeping the habit easy.


Benefits of keeping a digital journal

The best journaling apps help you take a moment to pause and introspect in a world that never stops moving. Here are ways an online diary encourages you to embrace a regular writing practice:

  • Extra privacy: Password protection and encryption features ensure your personal reflections remain just that — personal. 
  • Multimedia integration: Many journaling apps have multimedia features, allowing you to incorporate photos, stickers, audio notes, or videos that enrich your writing and create a fuller record of your thoughts and experiences.
  • Cloud synchronization: With a journal app, you don’t have to worry about losing your entries. Most apps backup your data, allowing you to access your journals across devices.
  • Track your mood and habits: If you want to challenge yourself to improve behaviors or thought patterns, some apps come programmed with mood trackers. This extra feature can give you a clear picture of your emotional patterns over time, which can provide invaluable insights for personal and professional growth.
  • Organized thoughts: Using tagging, categorizing, and searching capabilities, you can quickly find old entries or track how certain topics evolve over time.
  • Prompted entries: Beginners and seasoned journalers alike might struggle to put words onto the page. Journal prompts can ignite reflection and introspection when you need inspiration. For specific types of journaling, like bullet journaling, manifestation journaling, or anxiety journaling, the extra support can help you start journaling quickly. 
  • Reminders: Digital diary apps come equipped with push notifications and reminders, encouraging you to consistently set aside time to reflect and develop a journaling habit. 
  • Supports minimalism: Stacks of notebooks take up space. Digital journaling eliminates the need for a dedicated bookshelf, allowing you to pursue a minimalist lifestyle without losing your archives.
  • Promotes self-care: Many journaling apps incorporate self-care routines, techniques, and checklists, nudging you towards a holistic approach to well-being. Engaging with these features enhances your reflective practice and encourages an all-encompassing self-care regimen.

What makes a good journaling app?

Scanning through your app store, you’ll find a multitude of journaling apps to choose from. To choose the right app for you, here are some features to consider:

  1. User-friendly interface: An intuitive design ensures you spend more time writing and reflecting than navigating the app. Consider reading reviews or taking a tutorial to gauge whether an app will encourage or discourage your new habit. 
  2. Cross-platform accessibility: If you want an app that’s available at any time and anywhere, check for compatibility with your preferred devices and platforms. You might prefer an app you can access both from your laptop and your phone.  
  3. Customization options: Your chosen journal app should be a one-stop shop. Before you begin your search, write down what you want out of a journaling experience. This might include self-care and mental health tips, custom fonts, or to-do lists. Knowing exactly what you want will help you identify the right app for you. 
  4. Affordability: Quality should align with cost. Finding out that premium features are blocked behind premium versions may prompt you to abandon the app — and discourage you from keeping up your habit. Check reviews and carefully read the features to identify hidden costs beforehand.  
  5. Collaboration features: Some apps allow sharing or collaboration on designated entries. This can help you build a sense of trust and community or work through specific topics with friends, trusted colleagues, and partners. 

Every journaling app has its pros and cons. Selecting the right one is subjective, but paying attention to these factors can ensure you find the best journaling app among a sea of options. 


The 10 best journal apps

Now that you understand the benefits and what to look for in a journaling app, let’s help you sort through your Apple or Android app store. Here are 10 of our favorite journal apps:

1. Day One Journal

Day One Journal is a valuable option for creative thinkers because of its powerful multimedia features. Day One allows you to include photos, videos, and sketches. You can even upload voice notes, capturing the sounds of nature on a relaxing hike, or transcribing voice notes into journal entries for thorough records. 

Day One allows you to create different categories to organize your thoughts, like a daily diary, manifestation journal, or workout log. You can link Instagram to embed social media posts, email to send yourself entries, and save web articles to reflect on later. It’s the perfect choice for someone who wants their online daily journal to have everything in one place. 

Pro: An ‘on this day’ notification lets you relive special days. While most features are available with a subscription, you can access a premium account for less than $3.00 a month. 

2. Penzu

Penzo is an ideal choice for someone who values simplicity. Its minimalist design is similar to a WordPress template, encouraging an undistracted environment focused on writing. Despite its simplicity, Penzo offers customizable journal covers, fonts, and backgrounds to add a personal touch. 

For beginners, the brand’s extensive blog about different types of journals helps you push the boundaries of your journaling practice. Whether you want a work diary, gratitude journal, or dream journal, Penzo’s content library will help you get the most out of your writing with helpful tips and examples. 

Pro: Penzo has a ‘time capsule’ feature that allows you to write entries and schedule them to be sent to your email, prompting reflection on your growth journey. The pro version costs $19.99 a year. 

3. Grid Diary

Grid Diary makes the journaling process simple with its structured templates, designed to prompt deep thinking and focus on the areas you most want to improve. Rather than staring at a blank page, you’re given a grid with questions to inspire daily reflection and gratitude. 

This design is beneficial if you seek clear structure in your day-to-day life. Specific, targeted questions combined with checklists and planners allow you to chart your moods, goals, and personal growth over time. 

Pro: Grid Diary’s unique formatting encourages consistent journaling by breaking down your reflections and goals into manageable daily insights. Several valuable features are available on a free journal app, although an annual $22.29 subscription provides unlimited customization options. 

4. Daylio 

Daylio stands out with its fun, experimental approach to self-improvement. Rather than written diary entries, Daylio lets you pick your mood and select the activities you did that day. The visual approach creates a personal infographic, making it easy to spot patterns in your mood and activity over time. For example, if you have several “meh” or “bad” stickers on days when you worked and didn’t have time for exercise or family time, this could indicate a need for a deeper work-life balance. 

Pro: Daylio is perfect for people who are more visually inclined or not interested in extensive daily writing. While free, a paid subscription lets you track multiple goals and access more customized features at $4.99 per month or $35.99 annually.  


5. Diaro

For an uncomplicated journaling experience, Diaro offers a straightforward and clear-cut design. The platform promotes hassle-free writing with several valuable add-ons, including a note-taking feature for work or geotagging for chronicling travel. 

Pro: Diaro has a mood tracker that allows you to track patterns and habits over time — all in its characteristically simple design. While there is a free version, a $39.99 annual subscription allows advanced customization options. 

6. Five-Minute Journal

The Five-Minute Journal’s mission is to make you “happier in five minutes” using positive psychology, mindfulness, and gratitude methods to manifest happiness into your life. The app prompts you to focus on cultivating gratitude, setting daily intentions, and nightly reflections. 

The app’s layout is intentionally structured to make your twice-daily journaling a quick and impactful ritual. Each morning, the app prompts you to list three things you’re grateful for, three things that will make your day successful, and a daily affirmation. The evening reflection lets you jot down three wonderful things that happened and note how the day could’ve been better. 

Pro: The Five-Minute Journal is full of features to put a smile on your face, like daily inspiring quotes and streaks that show your progress. Likewise, weekly challenges can motivate you to improve beyond developing gratitude. A $39.99 pro subscription is on the higher end, but subscribers can’t put a price on happiness.  

7. Momento

Momento stands out for leveraging posts from various media platforms, including Instagram, Spotify, and Goodreads. Momento fetches and displays all your activities, posts, photos, song saves, and locations, creating an online daily journal-scrapbook hybrid. Rather than typing out your thoughts, Momento curates a fuller story using your existing digital footprint. 

Pros: Momento’s automated data collection means that even on days you forget to jot down your thoughts, your digital activities fill in the blanks. The app is available for iPhone with iOS 12.0 or beyond with a $14.99 annual subscription. 

8. Diarium

Diarium is an ideal journaling app for busy people who cherish every moment with a design that visually encapsulates the essence of each day. It’s perfect for people who prioritize rich and varied experiences, including free-time activities, travel, or professional enrichment. 

Beyond texts to chronicle your day, Diarium urges you to spice up your diary with photos, audio clips, and drawings. Imagery is superimposed over a calendar view or travel maps, providing a vivid visual representation of your time. 

Pros: Beyond its unique visual format, Diarium integrates with social media, calendars, and note-taking apps. Likewise, it’s available on Mac, iOS, Android, and Windows, with prices varying depending on your chosen platform. 


9. Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction is perfect for people dedicated to personal growth. It lets you track daily habits, work on specific goals, and keep a manifestation journal. Additionally, the app contains daily exercises and meditations that allow you to align with your overarching goals through positive thinking. 

Pros: For people new to manifestation journaling, Law of Attraction helps you identify daily thought patterns and work on pessimistic thinking — and notifications with positive daily affirmations help you approach your day with positivity and self-confidence. The app is free for Mac, iPad, and iPhone. 

10. Mindsera 

Mindsera is an AI-powered mental health journal that pairs your journal entries with famous mentors brought to life through artificial intelligence, including Socrates, Anaïs Nin, and Eleanor Roosevelt. 

Focused on personal growth, the app analyzes your thoughts, emotions, and goals and provides personalized insights and exercises. Feedback from your AI-powered mentor is built to help you improve your mindset, cognitive skills, and mental fitness. Additionally, thought analysis, personality assessments, and mental model frameworks leave no stone unturned in your growth journey. 

Pro: Mindsera is a one-of-a-kind journal, using evolving AI-technologies to target your blindspots and improve mental and emotional health. The high-tech service explains its high price tag with a $149.00 annual subscription.

Journal today for a better tomorrow

Whatever your self-improvement goals are, there are plenty of journaling apps to choose from. Whether you want AI-powered mental health mentors, a place to drop photos or a simple writing app, these ten options have a little bit of something for everyone.

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Published February 27, 2024

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships.

With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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