The Value of an ICF Credential: Insights from John W. Sigmon, MCC - International Coaching Federation
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The Value of an ICF Credential: Insights from John W. Sigmon, MCC

ICF Master Certified Coach John W. Sigmon, MCC, believes in the value of an ICF credential. When asked why, he shared, “I want to be the best possible coach that I can be. In a world awash with people who call themselves ‘coaches,’ I think it’s helpful to distinguish myself from the crowd. I do that by holding my ICF credential — proudly.”

Video capture of John Sigmon testimonial

If you don’t yet have an ICF credential, explore what it takes to become an ICF credential-holder and take the next steps in your professional coaching journey to achieve the same level of value and success that John found in his ICF credential.

And if you are a current ICF credential-holder, we invite you to share what your credential means to you. #ICFShineOn#50KStrong

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