
This is the week we focus on what we are grateful for, and it’s an important practice. Studies have shown that people who practice gratitude are happier and live longer. It’s especially important when you’re facing difficult challenges.

I don’t usually make my posts this personal, but it’s been a rough few months for my family. My father died in September, and both my husband Thom and I had serious health issues that required surgery and long recoveries. All within the last four months.

So here’s what I’m grateful for right now.

First, the kindness of family, friends, and strangers through this rough patch. Everyone who volunteered to help, showed up to hold our hands, and sent caring messages. Your support and love make a real difference in how we approach every day and how fast we’re healing.

Second, the competence of the people working with us to get healthy. We are lucky to live in a place with world-class healthcare providers who have the skills to perform what would have been miracles just a few generations ago.

Third, the fact that this is happening during a stage in my life that I can manage my health, my husband’s needs, and my household with as little stress as possible. I no longer have a full-time job, and my gig work clients have all been empathetic, patient, and flexible. I am so grateful for their support and understanding.

Both my husband and I have chosen gig work as the primary source of our income at this stage in our lives, and it’s given us the financial security and flexibility to weather storms, both metaphorically and in the meteorological sense. (Two hurricanes in Florida since September.) Thom is taking a month off work to heal with the blessing of his clients.

It’s almost the end of the year, a time when many people start reflecting on what went well, and what they’d like to do differently in the future. If you think adding gigs to your career path will give you more control, more financial security, and more flexibility, in good times and in bad, download my free e-book The Gig Worker Mindset. It’s my gift to you as we start the holiday season.

Thanks, as always, for reading and supporting my work. I’m grateful to you all.

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