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5 Tips For Reapplying To A Company That Rejected You


Have you ever been turned down for a date? Passed over for a promotion? Or perhaps you reached out to an old friend on Facebook and never heard back?

Most of us have faced rejection in some form during our lifetime; unfortunately, it’s just a part of being human. However, we cannot let this hold us back if we hope to thrive and succeed in the future.

And the job market is no exception.

If you’ve ever been turned down for a role you really wanted, you know all too well that it can be disappointing. But just because a company rejected you once, it doesn’t mean they are completely off the table.

You can definitely reapply to a company that rejected you, as long as learn from your previous mistakes and make corrections.

So, if the perfect role has become available in a company that has previously turned you down, don’t stress. Keep the following five tips in mind when you reapply.

Take their feedback on board

Although rejection can be hard to take, it also presents an opportunity to learn. During the job search asking for feedback is encouraged, and you need to take this feedback on board.

When you were rejected in the first instance, think how far through the hiring process you got and whether the employer gave you any feedback after. Perhaps you were told you lacked certain skills or qualities? Or maybe your CV was great, but you didn’t make it past the first interview?

Whatever the case may be, look at where you went wrong last time and learn from your mistakes.

Don’t let any feedback go to waste, do all you can to improve and not only will this boost your chances of landing the position, but it will prove to the recruiter that you’re dedicated and passionate about joining the business.

Don’t submit the same application

If your CV and/or cover letter weren’t enough to secure you an interview last time, it’s unlikely to be enough now. So don’t submit the exact same application and expect different results.

Instead, you need to re-think your CV and update it wherever necessary. The same applies to your cover letter. Use employer feedback to get started and make the most of online CV-writing guides and examples if you’re stuck.

Essentially your new CV needs to fill all of the gaps that your previous application lacked, if you intend to get a better response.

Determine if enough time has passed

In most cases, if a new opportunity presents itself within a company you really want to work for, you’re going to jump at the chance to apply. Even if they had previously rejected you. However, if the rejection was fairly recent, you could actually cost yourself future opportunities.

If you were turned down for a role just a few weeks back, the company are unlikely to have changed their mind about you that quickly. Plus, you won’t have been able to work on yourself much in that short period of time, so you’re unlikely to have anything extra to give them.

As such, it’s best to let some time pass before you reapply to a company that has rejected you. This gives you time to work on yourself, boost your skills and gain more experience.

Though there is no right or wrong amount of time per se, if you rush in too quickly and reapply too soon, you might find that the employer doesn’t even reconsider your application. Whereas if you wait that bit longer and boost your CV, they are more likely to invite you in for an interview next time.

Show you’ve grown professionally

If some time has passed (as it ideally should have), you need to show that you haven’t let your time go to waste. Instead, it’s important to show the employer that you have grown professionally.

You might have done this by taking an online course, getting more experience, or gaining some new skills.

However you have chosen to progress in your career, be sure to highlight this on your new updated CV and by shouting about it during the interview stages if you get there.

Stay connected

Finally, staying in touch with hiring managers or contacts within the company can help you to maintain positive relationships with them. This can boost your chances of getting an interview when the next opportunity presents itself.

So, just before you submit your new application, it’s a nice idea to reach out to your contact at the company and let them know you’re reapplying. You could also engage with them through other platforms like the company’s social media accounts or by connecting with them on LinkedIn.

This can help to put your name at the forefront of the recruiter’s mind and increase your chances of getting an interview.

Do this, as well as following our other top tips for re-applying to a company that rejected you, and you might find that the next opportunity has a much better outcome.

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