2024 is the Year of the Dragon

If you were born in 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, you are lucky to be born in the Year of the Dragon. It goes without saying that the Dragon is the most glamorous and powerful sign of the Chinese zodiac. (For contrast, I was born in the Year of the Dog. No glamor there.)

Dragons are mythical creatures, of course, the only zodiac sign not representing a real earthly animal. Dragons have played a big role in several cultures, especially the Chinese. Dragons symbolize great power, good luck, and strength. They represent power and authority, particularly control over typhoons, water, rainfall, and floods. Emperors were assumed to have descended from the dragons.

If you’re a dragon, you know it.

In Western culture, Dragons are not known for subtlety. They can fly into any battle and strike terror with their mighty roars and shrieks. They can breathe fire, destroying armies and small villages. They can swoop up into the sky with their victims clasped in fearsome claws. They eat their enemies for lunch.

If this feels like your conflict personality in action, you might want to pull back a touch. It’s true that you could win every battle, but the scorched earth policy you subscribe to won’t leave much left for you to display your awesome leadership skills.

You’ll also have a target on your back for any aspiring hero. It’s no way to run your career.

But the Chinese Dragon has all the power qualities without the nasty temperament. According to Chinese myth, the Jade Emperor declared that the order of the Zodiac would be determined by the order the animals came to attend his function. Everyone thought the mighty Dragon would arrive first, but he came after Rat, Ox, Tiger, and Rabbit. The Dragon was late because he stopped to make rain for a village that was suffering from drought. The Jade Emperor was impressed with his generosity but still gave him the 5th position in the rankings.

So dragons have skills other than breathing fire. In Chinese culture, they are revered for bringing good luck and harmony; it’s why their symbol is used to bring in the New Year. (In 2024, February 10th.)

The Chinese Dragon is a beautiful, wise, and friendly being, not like the western Dragon, which is associated with evil and destruction. (See above.) You can use the power of the dragon for good in your career and personal life.

People born in the year of the dragon are charismatic, intelligent, confident, powerful, and they are naturally lucky and gifted. In everything that they do, they tend to do it to the best of their ability with high standards. By the way, the 2024 element is wood, making this the Year of the Wood Dragon. The Wood Dragon has the drive and motivation to put all their ideas into practice and will display these qualities many times throughout their life. According to many horoscope sites, they are more diplomatic than some of the other types of Dragons and have a great sense of humor. They are rather perceptive in business matters and can be very generous.

If you’re a Dragon, you feel special and you have plenty of power to make things better for the people you work with and the people you live with. If you’re considering – or – hoping – for a promotion to a leadership position, 2024 could be your year. Good luck.

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