Mark Your Calendar for Exciting New ICF Community of Practice Sessions - International Coaching Federation
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Mark Your Calendar for Exciting New ICF Community of Practice Sessions

Start 2024 strong with a commitment to your professional development. ICF Community of Practice (CP) sessions provide a wide range of topics and ideas to improve your coaching skills. Explore new sessions or view recordings of missed events on the ICF Learning Portal. Be sure to join us for these upcoming sessions in February.

Internal Coaching Community of Practice: Spark New Insights in Your Coaching Sessions on February 14 at 12 Noon (New York). Marcia Reynolds, MCC, PsyD, will lead you on an exploration of what makes coaching a dynamic learning process. Ensure that each of your coaching sessions has the impact you desire with an understanding of what occurs in the brain when coaching sparks imagination and insight.

Gain new tools and resources that will help your clients focus on expanding perspectives and self-awareness, transforming both minds and lives.

Coaching Science Community of Practice: Advancing Coaching for Leadership Development on February 27 at 12 Noon (New York). Delve into the evolving and inclusive approaches to coaching leadership development in organizations with Natalia Fey, PhD. Natalia will present key research findings on the critical success factors of intercultural leadership, with an emphasis on the impact of cultural intelligence and coaching relationships on coachee learning. Gain a greater understanding of the benefits of peer coaching for employee productivity and well-being in intercultural organizations.

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