Upcoming Learning Opportunities - International Coaching Federation
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Upcoming Learning Opportunities

You won’t want to miss the upcoming learning opportunities coming your way. Regardless of your coaching niche, you can find what you need to elevate your skills through the ICF Learning Portal.

Advances in Health Coaching Research on March 14 at 12 Noon (New York). [waiting for link from L&D]. Explore the latest in health coaching with Maria Benzo PCC, MD, MS. Based on Maria’s work at the Mayo Clinic, she will share current evidence in health coaching for patients with chronic conditions and underlying frameworks in health coaching, including what enhances the health coaching engagement and other determinants of positive patient outcomes.

And if you’re interested to learn more than what we can cover in 60 minutes, plan to join the ICF Research Watercooler Session on March 21. During this interactive discussion, we will delve deeper into health coaching research as well as any other research questions or topics that are on your mind. Register now.

Generational Differences: Considerations for Coaches Workshop on March 21 at 11 a.m. (New York). Join Jeremy May, ACC, for an interactive workshop on improving cross-generational communication. Dispel myths, challenge assumptions, and discover proven techniques to better coach and motivate different age groups.

Showing the Value of Coaching to Executives on March 29 at 12 Noon (New York). Unlock the power to champion coaching initiatives within your organization. Join ICF Coaching in Organizations and Lisa Ann Edwards for a dynamic workshop designed to equip you with the tools to craft a compelling business case. Learn to articulate the need, establish clear objectives, and present solutions with undeniable benefits.

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