Women's Career Support Groups for 2024

Many, many of us are facing career challenges.  We can face these challenges on our own, or we can lean on the wisdom and support of like-minded women.

That's where NEXT Career Crews steps in: your very own crew of compassionate supporters, accountability partners, co-conspirators and truth tellers who are willing to be unapologetically honest about how it's REALLY going in career and life.

NEXT Career Crews are intimate groups of 8-12 women who meet virtually once a month to build each other up, hold space to say the hard things about career and life, share wise advice and remind each other that we are worthy of all of our career desires.

Our next cohort will run from January to December of 2024 and the cost to join this crew is $1200. We meet once a month, typically on the last Tuesday of each month at 12pm ET.

During each session my goal is to facilitate discussion with thought provoking topics selected by the group and to create a safe space for connection building, peer support and vulnerable conversations.

Interested in learning more? RSVP for one of our upcoming informational sessions - October 18th at 12pm ET or November 3rd at 12pm ET - by emailing my colleague Arleen at arleenalmontenext@gmail.com with your name and preferred session!

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