Is the "safe" path serving you?

I'm noticing a trend among the women in my orbit - the "safe" path isn't cutting it anymore.

After years, sometimes decades, of playing it safe in their careers, I'm witnessing my coaching clients take risks - from army crawling their way through the ranks at unforgiving companies to courageously leaping into the unknowns of a career transition - these women are forces to be reckoned with.

The pandemic has given us all a renewed sense of urgency, because nothing is promised - even the "safe" path could slip out from under us, so why not be bold?

Is it time to find clarity on your terms, your priorities, and freedom from the shame that comes from feeling stuck or lost in your career?

Are you seeking alignment between your gifts and the impact you want to have on the world?

What I know is this...

Our careers can hold a deep invitation for richer fulfillment - where we can grow and expand into our truest versions, where we feel accomplished and satisfied by our contributions, acknowledged for our gifts, where we get to play, experiment, and shine.

Whether you’re getting that nudge for something new, you’re already exploring something new, OR you're deep into the nuts and bolts of a job search that’s not yet clicking, our work together can guide you through the change in front of you.

For a limited time, I'm opening my calendar up for Single Coaching Sessions - typically only available to prior clients, this virtual 60-minute one-time session is for you to get a quick hit of individualized support and motivation to find the confidence to focus on what’s important to YOU.

You can reserve your Single Coaching Session HERE.

Reach out today and let's take the next step on your path together.