Your 2022 Goals–Take Two!

While this moment in the pandemic feels different everywhere in the country and in the world, right now, in New York City we’re beginning to breathe out again.The number of covid cases in schools is coming down. The hospitals in the city are not reporting overwhelm. We’re not hearing about new cases every day. Or at least not multiple cases per day!

There’s a lightness that’s creeping into our tightly wound bodies.

The people in my circles and the women I coach are lifting their heads up with the question…

What’s that you were saying about starting 2022?

Oh yeah, it’s a new year. I had plans. I had goals.

Then my priorities changed in an instant. I focused on what was in front of me.

And now I’m ready to say all those things I want out loud again.

I want to think about what’s next in my career.

I want something that’s “for me” in my life. Not for my partner or my kids or my parents.

One of the best ways I know to get momentum with these changes you want to make in the new year is to….

Talk to other humans.

Start with your close-in people. Branch out to your wider network. Be clear about who you are, what you want and where you need help.

Now if this first step is feeling hard. If you feel like you have no idea what to say. Or if you’re dreading those four words, “Tell me about yourself.”

I got you.

I hear this All. The. Time. That’s why I created the Nail Your Elevator Pitch Mini Course.

With the Mini Course, you will create a memorable and authentic pitch that sounds like you, feels energizing and activates your network so they can help you with your next career move.

The course includes:

⚡️ Five short videos that walk you through:

...A welcome and setting you up for success

...Identifying your strengths

...The strategy and approach to writing your pitch

...The formula for 3 different types of pitches based on YOUR situation

...Getting into action with your pitch (How to start using it in networking)

⚡️ A workbook where I provide my specific formulas and provide examples so you can write the first drafts of your pitch!

ALL FOR $60!

Add a 45-minute 1:1 pitch feedback session with me for $125 and you’ll have a powerful positioning relaunch for $185 all-in. 🔥

Here’s the link to go get that course so you can be fully guided and supported in moving through this critical career shift step:

I’ll see you in our feedback session!