Ready to Redesign Your Career on Your Terms?

As you may remember, earlier this year, I launched my first official group program. It was a huge milestone for me and all the women who joined me on the journey.

And if you’re a long-time reader, you also know that in my first five years of business, I focused exclusively on 1:1 coaching. I loved (and still love) the intimacy, the connection, the magic that happens when my intuition tips me off to ask just the right question, unlocking new insight into how my client can make her way through the mud to find ease and confidence on the other end.

I’ve felt immense pride when client after client walked through my career pathing process and not only discovered her answers, but also allowed her answers to be worthy of living and breathing, of becoming a reality right in front of her.

Then the pandemic began. With it came sickness, loss, fear of the unknown, fear of the known. There was a hunger for connection and also a calling to be all things for our families. Protector, provider, teacher, spinner of a china cabinet’s worth of plates.

The women in my world were struggling. They were critical of themselves for their inability to make an impossible situation work. Many were laid off. For some their caregiving breaks were extended way beyond their level of comfort. Their job searches, career transitions, and dreams were put on pause with the rest of life.

In this moment, I was called to serve them, to see them, to show up for them in an entirely new way. From this chaos, Career Command was born.

The intention of Career Command was twofold:

  1. Share my proven career pathing process with the women who needed it most, expanding my impact WAY beyond the number of clients I could serve with 1:1 coaching.

  2. Provide a brave space for women to share both their struggles and wins as they build careers on their own terms (the opposite of what our culture tells us is possible...*rolls eyes*).

I’m not going to lie. I was both 100% committed to this program AND I was filled with more fear than my 15lb Schnoodle pup when he sees a German Shepherd. I moved through my fear with all of my coaching tools, supportive friends and family, and a kickass team who filled in for all of my "less energizing strengths."

And I could not be more proud of what we’ve built.

We’re now halfway through with our 2nd three month cohort of Career Command and the women are making big shifts, sharing their wins and diving into all the content like it’s their job...because their biggest insight in the program is that investing (time and money) in themselves matters. Their career dreams matter.

With all of the experience of these first two groups and their helpful feedback, I’m so excited for some of the tweaks we’re making to the program so that it’s even more powerful.

As it always has been, Career Command will continue to be for mid-career women who are looking to step into work that is more meaningful to them and is on their terms. It is for women who are either in an active job search or career transition OR those who are simply feeling that nudge that they want something more and don’t know where to begin.

In this next version of the program, we have...

  • Reshaped it into a 6-month program...because that’s how long career shifts take and I want to support you through each step of the process!

  • Added more virtual hands-on workshopping for ALL of the you have a space to share your insights and feelings around each one.

  • Provided more space to connect with this amazing community of women by adding curated Career Pods (based on either industry, discipline, or other connective threads).

If this sounds like it’s for you and you’re ready to make the shift with us, I can’t wait to see you there. I’m opening the doors for this program on September 13th and I've created a waitlist so you can be the first to know when and where to join.

Sign, me up for that waitlist, please!

And you may have seen that the week before we open up Career Command, I’m going to offer a free week of group coaching and support in a pop-up podcast called, Being Me At Work. I’m still fleshing out the details but will be back in your inbox next week with more information on how you can join us. Stay tuned!

Rachel GarrettComment