Sat.Oct 12, 2019 - Fri.Oct 18, 2019

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An Easy Way to Check on Your Culture

Let's Grow Leaders

Check your culture by looking at shared resources Is there anything more gross than a neglected break-room microwave oven? If Marvel needs another super-villain, I’d recommend someone spawned from the splatter of last night’s warmed up spaghetti and powered by the fumes […]. The post An Easy Way to Check on Your Culture appeared first on Let's Grow Leaders.

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Reviving innovation in Europe


Innovation is of fundamental importance for Europe’s economic and social system. These five paths could build on its strengths and help the continent regain its competitive edge.

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Worst parenting book of the year: Esther Wojcicki’s homage to narcissism

Penelope Trunk

Esther Wojcicki wrote her book, How to Raise Successful People , so she could take credit for her daughters’ success: “I raised two CEOs and a doctor. These are my secrets to parenting successful children.” Here are Esther’s five stunningly obvious secrets: trust, respect, independence, collaboration, and kindness. This book is a case study for how a narcissistic parent destroys the children through gaslighting, breaking boundaries, and emotional neglect.

Education 101
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Understanding and Driving Equality in the Workplace

Vantage Circle

Equality is not Pie. Equal rights for others doesn’t mean fewer rights for you. Imagine going to a beautiful store but you’re not allowed to enter because you have blue hair. You won’t like it, would you? Equality is a necessity that every individual must enjoy. Being treated unfavourably every day owing to who they are, where they’re from, or what they look like is unfair and shouldn’t exist at all.

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Your Guide To Transitioning Into Product Management: Essentials For New PMs

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Are you considering a shift to product management or just starting your journey as a Product Manager? Join Leslie Grandy and Drew Weaver for an insightful webinar designed to help you seamlessly transition into this dynamic role. Whether you're looking to pivot your career or enhance your existing skills, this session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to succeed!

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Best Practices in Employee Engagement: A Frontline Festival

Let's Grow Leaders

Welcome to the Let’s Grow Leaders Frontline Festival! This month, our contributors share their best practices in employee engagement. Thanks to Joy and Tom Guthrie of Vizwerx Group for the great pic and to all our contributors! The November Frontline Festival will be […]. The post Best Practices in Employee Engagement: A Frontline Festival appeared first on Let's Grow Leaders.


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How to Start a Business in Texas: The Complete Step-by-Step Guide (2019)


Austin, Texas – top city for startups in the US. Texas is a state of big ideas and bigger personalities. So, it should come as no surprise that Texas is a perfect breeding ground for entrepreneurs. According to the Business in Texas Small Business Handbook , small businesses account for over 98.6% of the businesses in Texas. In July of 2019, Texas was found to be the best state in the US to start a business.

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33 Remarkable Birthday Wishes For Employees

Vantage Circle

If you are reading this, you are probably looking for suitable birthday wishes for employees. And I truly understand your concern. Recognizing employee birthdays is an integral part of making employees feel valued. But let’s face it. In the first place, for large companies, celebrating each and every employees’ birthday becomes unfeasible. So what can you do?

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What to Do When You Feel Like a Fraud

Let's Grow Leaders

Do you ever feel like you don’t belong in the room – that you’ve somehow fooled everyone into thinking you’re better than you are. Any minute now they’ll find out and then you’re in trouble… Or maybe you have that internal voice […]. The post What to Do When You Feel Like a Fraud appeared first on Let's Grow Leaders.

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Women in the Workplace 2019


Five years in to our research, we see bright spots at senior levels. But companies need to focus their efforts earlier in the pipeline to make real progress.

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HIA Technologies Turns a New Chapter in Professional Development and Training

HIA Technologies announces the launch of Qvio™️ - transforming video engagement with two-way interactivity. With Qvio viewers can ask questions and get instant answers from the content owner's Author-Controlled AI™️.

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Lack of Trust Between Management and Employees: Examples and Solutions


A survey cited by Psychology Today found that more than half of the dissatisfied employees surveyed “didn’t trust their boss” and that was part of what had motivated them to leave their jobs. In the same article, Psychology Today stated that a lack of trust between management and employees led to numerous workplace issues: A lack of innovation. Less cooperation and information-sharing at work.

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Types of Conflict in the Workplace & Conflict Management Strategies

Vantage Circle

Ask any middle manager or human resource manager about the most taxing part of their job. The answer is most likely to be resolving conflicts between subordinates. But we have seen that managers don’t really have any effective conflict management strategies or in some cases no strategies in the first place. Most managers have a tendency to avoid conflicts.

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Rethinking the renewable strategy for an age of global competition


Renewable-based power generation is rising. As the market evolves, what will it take to succeed, and what kinds of players will win?

Strategy 105
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Fit for the future: The common challenges facing healthcare systems—and how to meet them


Across the developed world, health systems must adapt to aging populations, changing patient needs, and advances in technology that could both reduce costs and revolutionize clinical care.

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The Ultimate LMS Buyer’s Guide: Everything You Need to Know When Purchasing an LMS

Whether you’re shopping for your very first learning management system (LMS) or looking to upgrade, the process can be overwhelming. With so many vendor options, each with its own multitude of features and pricing structures, even the most seasoned educators, trainers, and business leaders can feel lost in a sea of choices! Finding the LMS that’s best suited for your organization requires a planned, strategic approach.

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Fashion’s new must-have: Sustainable sourcing at scale


Sustainable sourcing is fast becoming a top priority for fashion companies. A survey of sourcing executives reveals ambitious targets—and highlights the transformation needed.

Retail 83
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Transform the whole business, not just parts


In a business, the parts link together and compose the whole. And so to improve the whole, you must improve the parts—right?

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Unlocking the value of digital operations in electric-power generation


To stay competitive in electric-power generation, gas- and coal-powered plants need to improve fuel efficiency and performance. A digital-enabled operational transformation allows them to do so.

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Managing your external supply system for innovation


To accelerate innovation, more companies are turning to outsiders for help—especially their suppliers. Getting supplier innovation to work means rethinking incentives, relationships, and management.

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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The coming of AI Spring


Artificial intelligence can generate tremendous value for us all, if policymakers and businesses act swiftly and smartly to capture its full benefits and mitigate the inevitable risks, write James Manyika and Jacques Bughin in Project Syndicate.

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Five Fifty: Fast and modular


Want to move faster, fly higher, and generally perform like a top technology company? Try the modular approach to platforms.

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How women can help fill the oil and gas industry’s talent gap


New research identifies why women fail to advance—and suggests what the industry can do about it.

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How private equity can maximize value in US financial services


The industry may be on the cusp of a new and less forgiving era. Private owners can take steps now to get ready.

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How To Manage Multiple Product Teams For Successful Development & Delivery

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Effective management of multiple product teams necessitates a skillful coordination and guidance with the objective of aligning efforts towards shared goals. This entails constant communication, efficient task management, and ensuring that each team aligns with the broader organizational objectives. We can think about this like conducting an orchestra, where diverse efforts are harmonized toward a unified outcome. 🎯 Proficiency in these skills empowers product managers to navigate comple

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Building operational excellence in higher education


The example of one university shows the potential value in transforming administrative operations.

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Smarter, faster asset allocation for more coverage at lower cost


With careful planning, the latest technologies mean businesses can grow their asset bases without growing their cost bases.

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Has Southeast Asia taken a firm grip on the nickel value chain?


A closer look at the future of the nickel market considers the role of ore exports from Southeast Asia.

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The role of strategy in a transformation: A conversation with Kevin Laczkowski


A holistic approach to transformation ensures that a company is positioning itself for long-term success.

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eWOW 2023 Virtual Summit #OwnYourGrowth

At eWOW, we are all about holistic growth – personal and professional. Growth that goes beyond a job title and paycheck. This year, eWOW 2023 virtual summit focuses on owning your growth – an action plan that will help you chart your path to success that is unique to you.