Sat.May 18, 2024 - Fri.May 24, 2024

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Human Connection: How Do I Train Someone to Connect More Deeply?

Let's Grow Leaders

To Get Better at Human Connection, Make Connecting a Habit “Hey Karin, I was just in your and David’s session at the Association for Talent Development (ATD) Global Conference in New Orleans, where you talked about human connection and the 4 dimensions of productive conflict (collaboration): connection , clarity , curiosity , and commitment.

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Filling Your Coaching Practice

Master Coach University

“How long do I have to run discovery sessions before I can leave my job?” My client, John, asked this question (that HUNDREDS of coaches have asked me). “After coaching for 6 months, I still don’t have enough clients.” So I asked John… “How many discovery sessions did you run in the last 6 months?


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Leveraging LLMs in Professional Coaching

International Coach Academy

A Research Paper By Lenord Melvix, Career and Leadership Coach, UNITED STATES Large Language Models (LLMs) Large Language Models (LLM) such as ChatGPT from OpenAI, Gemini from Google, and Llama from Meta have transformed the way humans interact with intelligent computing agents. The depth of knowledge and comprehension capabilities demonstrated by these systems have boosted the public trust in them, transforming what was previously used as the mere engine to access information into a complex pro

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How to focus on work that matters

The Creative Life

How do you create distraction-free time to focus on your creative projects? You pay yourself first. The post How to focus on work that matters appeared first on The Creative Life.

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Your Guide To Transitioning Into Product Management: Essentials For New PMs

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Are you considering a shift to product management or just starting your journey as a Product Manager? Join Leslie Grandy and Drew Weaver for an insightful webinar designed to help you seamlessly transition into this dynamic role. Whether you're looking to pivot your career or enhance your existing skills, this session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to succeed!

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How You Can Encourage Courage and Better Conversations as a Team Activity

Let's Grow Leaders

Psychological Safety and Courage: Two Sides of the Same (Immensely Valuable) Coin Does psychological safety take away the need for courage? Or does courage take away the need for psychological safety? The answer to both questions is a resounding NO. Both are– and will continue to be needed in a complex and uncertain world.” –Dr. Amy Edmondson (in her foreword to Courageous Cultures) If you want real psychological safety on your team, you need people to feel safe and encouraged

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Circle of Control vs. Out of Control

International Coach Academy

A Coaching Power Tool By Daniel Dilger, Coaching for Emerging Leaders Coach, GERMANY The Concept “Circle of Control vs. Out of Control” The “Circle of Control vs. Out of Control” power tool is based on the cognitive behavioral principle that our emotional well-being is largely dependent on focusing on aspects of life that we can influence, rather than those we cannot.

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7 Networking Email Templates & Examples


Jump to section The importance of networking 4 online networking examples How to write a networking email: 7 templates for any situation 4 networking tips Build better connections

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Best Employee Engagement Software in 2024 for Employee Surveys, Wellness, Recognition, and more

Vantage Circle

Introduction to Employee Engagement Software It is no secret that employee engagement is crucial for companies to thrive in the modern workplace. But how can you ensure engagement? What do you need to do to engage your employees? These questions might be hovering in your mind. In the tech-driven modern workplace, using technology to build employee engagement tools is rather a smart move.

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DEIB Updates: Share Your Passion as a Member Resource Group Leader

International Coaching Federation

If you are passionate about supporting underrepresented coaches, we encourage you to apply to become a Member Resource Group (MRG) leader. These spaces foster sharing, growth, and connections for ICF members and non-members. Leaders are being sought for the Persons With Disabilities MRG and our newest addition, the Veterans MRG. Engage, learn, and apply to make a difference.

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HIA Technologies Turns a New Chapter in Professional Development and Training

HIA Technologies announces the launch of Qvio™️ - transforming video engagement with two-way interactivity. With Qvio viewers can ask questions and get instant answers from the content owner's Author-Controlled AI™️.

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The MINDFUL Leadership Coaching Model

International Coach Academy

A Coaching Model By Anais Souton, Mindful Coach, QATAR MINDFUL Leadership: From doing to being Certainly! Here’s an original coaching model tailored for implementing mindful leadership. Let’s call it the “ MINDFUL ” model: Mindful Assessment Self-Reflection : Begin by encouraging the leader to engage in deep self-reflection. Help them identify their current leadership strengths, areas for improvement, and any challenges they face in incorporating mindfulness. 360-Degree F

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Understanding the Basics of Climate Change

Harvard Business School Online

No matter your location, industry, or role, climate change impacts how you live and work—and will continue to in the future. To help you identify risks and opportunities for adapting to and mitigating it and make strategic organizational decisions, here’s a primer on climate change basics.

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Why Are More Employees Returning to the Office? With Stephanie Downs

Up Your Culture

In this episode, we’re continuing our season-long, deep dive into ENGAGE 2024: The Company Culture Report by asking: “Why are more employees returning to the office?” As you can probably guess, it’s here that we’ll tackle the ever-shifting attitudes around “where we work.” Helping Beth explore these new findings on work preferences is Stephanie Downs, SVP/Senior Consultant at The Center for Sales Strategy.

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Elevate Your Skills for Free at the Summit

International Coaching Federation

Improve your knowledge and make new connections at the 14th annual Summit, taking place from May 28 to June 13. This extraordinary event offers an opportunity for coaches worldwide to join more than 50,000 peers and over 35 industry experts for thought-provoking sessions, interactive workshops, and transformative experiences during the 17 power-packed days.

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The Ultimate LMS Buyer’s Guide: Everything You Need to Know When Purchasing an LMS

Whether you’re shopping for your very first learning management system (LMS) or looking to upgrade, the process can be overwhelming. With so many vendor options, each with its own multitude of features and pricing structures, even the most seasoned educators, trainers, and business leaders can feel lost in a sea of choices! Finding the LMS that’s best suited for your organization requires a planned, strategic approach.

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Mindful Shift: From Doing vs. To Being

International Coach Academy

A Coaching Power Tool By Anais Souton, Mindful Coach, QATAR “Mindful Shift” Power Tool: From Doing vs. To Being Embarking on a journey of personal transformation requires a profound shift in perspective, a transition from a mindset dominated by relentless doing to one characterized by mindful being. In the vast landscape of self-discovery, the “Mindful Shift” power tool emerges as a compass, guiding individuals through the intricate terrain of their thoughts, actions, an

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Launching a Platform Business: 5 Steps for Entrepreneurs

Harvard Business School Online

To succeed in the modern economy, it's crucial to understand what starting and scaling a platform business requires. Here are five steps entrepreneurs should take.

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Can technologically mediated career guidance address inequalities

Adventures in Career Development

On Wednesday I was invited to address the OECD’s conference Future dreaming: Career guidance in the age of digital technologies. I was invited to be part of a session looking at the intersection between digital technologies and social justice. This builds on the paper that I published with the OECD earlier this year called Challenging social inequality through career guidance.

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Explore New ICF Community of Practice (CP) Offerings

International Coaching Federation

Are you taking advantage of the new CP Communities on ICF Engage? Connect to coaches who share your interest, plus, share key takeaways and additional resources. Log into ICF Engage today to start the conversation about one of our upcoming sessions. Team and Group Coaching Community of Practice: Navigating Transformation With Team Coaching on June 20 at 8 a.m.

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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Toxic Relationships with a Narcissist: How Coaching Can Help an Interview with Chris Oeuvray

International Coach Academy

A Research Paper By Fabienne Knobel, Career, Life, Family and Infertility Coach, SWITZERLAND Toxic Relationships with a Narcissist You can leave a toxic relationship, but if you don’t heal what attracted you to them, you will meet them again. The same demon, just in a different person. The Mind Journal Chris Oeuvray is a coach, author, and speaker living in the city of Zug, Switzerland.

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Breaking Down Silos: Rebuilding Collaborative Bridges

Up Your Culture

Ask any business leader about their greatest challenges, and they'll probably mention the difficulty of building collaboration and breaking down silos across teams and companies. Consider the story of a technology startup specializing in cutting-edge software solutions. Founded by passionate engineers who excelled individually in their fields, the company often found its teams working in isolation.

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Career education for social justice and equity: In memory of Ronald Sultana

Adventures in Career Development

Last week, Rie Thomsen and I gave a webinar to practitioners in Australia via MyFuture. In it we talked about career guidance and social justice, paid tribute to the work of Ronald Sultana and set out our five signposts model. There seemed to be a lot of interest in these approaches. We will hopefully be able to share a video version of our presentation soon, but for now here are our slides.

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Coaching Skills: Integrating 3 Coaching Questions With ICF Core Competencies for Maximum Impact

International Coaching Federation

During coaching sessions, coaches provide clients with opportunities for self-exploration, assessment, and evaluation through questions, allowing the client to unleash their potential within. This generative process fosters thoughts, ideas, revelations, and the creation of future actions. During this time, a coach performs a few tasks, focusing on speaking less and listening more.

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How To Manage Multiple Product Teams For Successful Development & Delivery

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Effective management of multiple product teams necessitates a skillful coordination and guidance with the objective of aligning efforts towards shared goals. This entails constant communication, efficient task management, and ensuring that each team aligns with the broader organizational objectives. We can think about this like conducting an orchestra, where diverse efforts are harmonized toward a unified outcome. 🎯 Proficiency in these skills empowers product managers to navigate comple

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Thank YOU! With 11 Journaling Prompts to Celebrate You as a Coach | by Lynda Monk

The Coaching Tools Company

Originally Posted on The Coaching Tools Company as Thank YOU! With 11 Journaling Prompts to Celebrate You as a Coach | by Lynda Monk There are many reasons to celebrate coaching—and one of them is to celebrate YOU, the coach! Coaching exists because there are people like you, who devote yourself to becoming the best coach you can be: You are continually learning to expand your knowledge and skills.

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Psychology of Employee Recognition: Understanding The Fundamentals in 2024

Vantage Circle

Why does a simple 'thank you' or a shout-out in a meeting make us feel so good? This isn't just about manners; it's about the profound impact of recognition on our brains and behaviors. Understanding the psychology of employee recognition reveals why simple acts of appreciation, such as a 'thank you' or a public commendation, have such a profound impact on workplace morale and productivity.

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New book: Online research

Adventures in Career Development

Rachel Buchanan and I have just produced a new book entitled Online Research. It is the second edition of my previous book Online Research Methods , but is to all intents and purposes a completely new book, as the last 10 years have completely revolutionised the practice of online research. In the book we provide a concise and accessible introduction to online research, covering ethics, surveys, focus groups, ethnographies, experiments and the gathering and analysis of naturally occurring digita

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Share Your Passion as a Member Resource Group Leader

International Coaching Federation

If you are passionate about supporting underrepresented coaches, we encourage you to apply to become a Member Resource Group (MRG) leader. These spaces foster sharing, growth, and connections for ICF members and non-members. Leaders are being sought for the Persons With Disabilities MRG and our newest addition, the Veterans MRG. Engage, learn, and apply to make a difference.

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eWOW 2023 Virtual Summit #OwnYourGrowth

At eWOW, we are all about holistic growth – personal and professional. Growth that goes beyond a job title and paycheck. This year, eWOW 2023 virtual summit focuses on owning your growth – an action plan that will help you chart your path to success that is unique to you.