September, 2022

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How to Build a High-Performing Team: Ten Vital Conversations

Let's Grow Leaders

Invest One Hour a Month to Help Your Team Perform Even Better. Every truly high-performing team has one thing in common: They spend time in candid conversation talking about what’s working and consistently look for ways to improve. They look at the work they’re doing and ask “how can we” do this EVEN BETTER? And they enjoy and celebrate their success.

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What to do when the work dries up

The Creative Life

Sometimes, the work just dries up. No new freelance jobs. No sales. No bookings. Don't panic. Do this instead. The post What to do when the work dries up appeared first on The Creative Life.


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Power through personal growth goals

Tony Robbins

Personal growth is one of our deepest human needs. When we don’t commit to a personal growth plan, we stay stagnant or become trapped by our limiting beliefs. However, we can’t just say we want to grow and leave it at that. We need to set clear goals so that we can create an effective […]. The post Power through personal growth goals appeared first on

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Finding Flow – Pursuing the Worthwhile Moments

International Coach Academy

A Research Paper By Marta Potulna, Leadership and Optimal Performance Coach, AUSTRALIA. The Concept of Finding Flow and Its Applications in Coaching. The concept of being in a zone and finding everyday moments of fulfillment has been a popular topic in positive psychology for years. And rightly so – we all want a life worth living. There is room in the coaching profession for expanding the approach to using the concept of flow in life, transformation, career, or leadership coaching sessions.

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Your Guide To Transitioning Into Product Management: Essentials For New PMs

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Are you considering a shift to product management or just starting your journey as a Product Manager? Join Leslie Grandy and Drew Weaver for an insightful webinar designed to help you seamlessly transition into this dynamic role. Whether you're looking to pivot your career or enhance your existing skills, this session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to succeed!

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Curiosity: The Secret Weapon of Great Coaches and Leaders

International Coaching Federation

Genius extraordinaire Albert Einstein was attributed to saying, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” Einstein was clearly onto something. . Research has shown that curiosity is correlated with creativity and innovation, intelligence, tighter relational bonds, improved learning, and problem-solving. With all those benefits, it’s no wonder that creating a culture of curiosity is something every leader should strive for. .

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How to Say No at Work: Powerful Phrases to Stand Your Ground

Let's Grow Leaders

To Gain More Confidence Saying No at Work, Start with Your “Yes” It’s never easy to say no at work. After all, you want to be helpful, responsive, and a team player. And yet, every time you say “yes” to something or someone, you’re saying “no” to something or someone else. When you tell your boss, “Yes, I will work late tonight,” you might have to tell your daughter, “No, I can’t come to your tee-ball game.” Or, when y

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What I’ve learned from other creatives

The Creative Life

All creatives have much to learn from each other. Here's what people from other fields have taught me, as a writer. The post What I’ve learned from other creatives appeared first on The Creative Life.

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DISC personality types explained

Tony Robbins

How well do you know yourself? It’s one thing to understand your opinions, likes and dislikes. But understanding your personality and all its nuances is another ball game altogether. Oftentimes insight is restricted by self-perception and limiting beliefs, so to develop true self-awareness, you must get an objective perspective on yourself. Tony Robbins’ DISC assessment […].

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How Can I Support You: Leading Through Purposeful Communication


Words hold implications and meanings that exist outside of their dictionary definitions. Although the words “team member” and “employee” can technically be synonymous, they have different meanings and feelings attached to them. The way that you discuss people and situations inherently affects how you and others approach and understand what you were talking about.

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HIA Technologies Turns a New Chapter in Professional Development and Training

HIA Technologies announces the launch of Qvio™️ - transforming video engagement with two-way interactivity. With Qvio viewers can ask questions and get instant answers from the content owner's Author-Controlled AI™️.

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Coaching for Self-Actualization

International Coaching Federation

Coaching is a helping profession, but our world is changing. As our collective consciousness rises to new levels, shifting expectations are dramatically impacting the field of executive coaching. Once focused primarily on professional goal attainment, executive coaching is now facilitating the introspective journey of finding purpose, meaning and our highest potential at work.

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Web3 beyond the hype


While buffeted by the recent market downturn and bankruptcies, digital assets and the technologies underlying them still have the potential to transform business models across sectors.

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Don’t Get Lost or Hurt: The Vital Role of Leadership Strategy and Tactics

Let's Grow Leaders

Balancing leadership strategy and tactics is critical for leaders at every level of an organization. When you don’t pay enough attention to strategy, you and your team end up lost in a wilderness of meaningless, unproductive busyness. However, when you don’t pay attention to tactics and effective management, you create needless conflicts, frustrations and hurt feelings.

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Not Quietly Quitting But Quietly Returning, Older Workers Are Changing Work And Retirement

Forbes Careers

From the great resignation, work from home, to quiet quitting, our idea of work is changing. One trend receiving less attention, but likely to have far greater and longer-term impact on work and retirement, is quiet returning. Retirees are returning to work and the reasons why will surprise you.

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The Ultimate LMS Buyer’s Guide: Everything You Need to Know When Purchasing an LMS

Whether you’re shopping for your very first learning management system (LMS) or looking to upgrade, the process can be overwhelming. With so many vendor options, each with its own multitude of features and pricing structures, even the most seasoned educators, trainers, and business leaders can feel lost in a sea of choices! Finding the LMS that’s best suited for your organization requires a planned, strategic approach.

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Mental Exhaustion Symptoms, Causes, and Ways to Cope


Jump to section. What is mental exhaustion? What are the symptoms of mental exhaustion? Side effects of being mentally exhausted. What are the causes of mental exhaustion? How is mental exhaustion different from other conditions? 11 ways to overcome mental exhaustion.

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7 Signs of Team Disconnect


Did you know that 5 in 6 employees feel disconnected at work? The reality is that any employee can struggle with connecting with their work teams, no matter what their schedules, occupations, and backgrounds are and regardless of whether they are working remotely, in house, or on a hybrid model. So, how can companies ensure that there is more engagement in work teams?

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10 Hacks for Coaches to Improve their Well-being

International Coaching Federation

A coach’s state of mind may have an impact on the conversation between the coach and the client. Therefore, a coach needs to learn how to manage their state of mind easily. . Higher well-being levels lead to higher engagement, creativity, social support, and fulfillment. Therefore, by working on raising their well-being, a coach will be more engaged, creative, and present in the coaching sessions.

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Securing Europe’s competitiveness: Addressing its technology gap


Even amid war in Europe and the energy and cost of living crisis that has resulted, the region needs to pay attention to its slow-motion corporate and technology crisis.

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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How to Overcome Negative Perceptions for a Better Leadership Brand

Let's Grow Leaders

Overcoming an Outdated Leadership Brand. Have you ever felt like this? You’ve worked hard to build your leadership brand, but the negative perceptions linger. You’ve been “all in” to PROVE and IMPROVE yourself as a competent, human-centered leader, but no one can get past the stories… that one time (okay maybe seven times) you lost your cool, stole credit for an idea, or were (insert your frustrating, old reputation here).

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3 Surprising Foundations of Motivation | by Delaney Tosh CPCC, PCC

The Coaching Tools Company

Originally Posted on The Coaching Tools Company as 3 Surprising Foundations of Motivation | by Delaney Tosh CPCC, PCC. What Leaders Need to Know About Motivation and Productivity. When we look at motivation through the lens of neuroscience, there are several key areas that enhance overall motivation and energy. One key example is helping our clients find inner or intrinsic* motivation. * Intrinsic motivation is an internal, personal process that taps into our neural reward system.

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Best Leadership Books: 21 of the Most Impactful Reads


Jump to section. Best leadership books for personal development. Best leadership books for people managers. Best leadership books for organizational leaders.

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Your partner isn’t a narcissist. He has autism. And so do you.

Penelope Trunk

No one has devised a perfect questionnaire for determining a narcissist, which is why the New York Times makes the argument for cutting narcissism from the DSM. We know what narcissism looks like: pompous clowns who are sad on the inside, treat people like s**t wherever they go, and perhaps most importantly, have no idea that they look this way to other people.

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eWOW 2023 Virtual Summit #OwnYourGrowth

At eWOW, we are all about holistic growth – personal and professional. Growth that goes beyond a job title and paycheck. This year, eWOW 2023 virtual summit focuses on owning your growth – an action plan that will help you chart your path to success that is unique to you.

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Empathy is Overrated: How Not Understanding Strengthens Your Practice

International Coaching Federation

My private consulting business was thriving. I loved the work. I relished the flexibility. I assessed, advised, reported, and left. My clients were not accountable to me, nor was I responsible for their success or failure. So, when the job offer arrived to be CEO of a $22 million USD nonprofit agency, I was not entirely sure I would take it. I was 31 years old and while I had extensive experience in human services, my track record for leading felt underwhelming compared to the challenges of tra

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Data ethics: What it means and what it takes


Every company must establish its own best practices for managing its data. Here are five pitfalls to avoid based on our conversations with experts and early adopters.

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What Leaders Need to Know About AI with Kavita Ganesan

Let's Grow Leaders

Do you want to take advantage of artificial intelligence but are not sure where to start? The process can feel overwhelming—from analyzing existing processes and software systems and choosing where to apply AI automation, to preparing every tier of the organization for the transition. In this episode, Kavita Ganesan, author of The Business Case For AI, takes the mystery out of implementing AI, sharing how to launch AI initiatives that get results.

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Microsoft Says ‘Productivity Paranoia’ Can Hurt Hybrid Workplaces

Forbes Careers

New data from Microsoft’s Work Trend Index, which surveyed 20,000 employees across 11 countries, finds that despite early signs of a productivity boom during the pandemic, there’s a steep divide between how workers and their employers see productivity two years later.

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Cancel Quiet Quitting: Detoxing Corporate Culture & Engaging Top Talent

Speaker: Jennifer Brick, Career Strategist and Author

Your employees have checked out. The last few years have been a wild ride, with countless changes to how we work and our workplace cultures, like the sudden shift to remote work, the return to office, and trends like quiet quitting. With productivity, profitability, and your employer brand on the line, leadership is turning to HR to engage employees and recreate your culture in different working models.