Sat.Aug 22, 2020 - Fri.Aug 28, 2020

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Leadership and Gratitude – Interview with Kerry Wekelo

Let's Grow Leaders

Gratitude—real gratitude, not the saccharine “too blessed to be stressed” meme mantra—has the power to revolutionize your leadership and your influence. In this interview with Chief Operating Officer Kerry Wekelo, you’ll get practical ways you can cultivate gratitude in your own life, […]. The post Leadership and Gratitude – Interview with Kerry Wekelo appeared first on Let's Grow Leaders.

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Women in healthcare: Moving from the front lines to the top rung


Our analysis shows women in healthcare have made progress and continue to report high job satisfaction. However, women also encounter persistent obstacles to advancement, particularly for senior positions, where they remain underrepresented.


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Organizational Restructuring- Meaning, Reasons, Types & More

Vantage Circle

The changes in the business world are some of the most testing times for a company to withstand. It is for this reason why adaptability is one of the crucial attributes in the corporate space today. To survive, you must be able to swiftly change course whenever things go bust. Of these many changes that a company may have to endure, one of the hardest is organizational restructuring.

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5 Pitfalls of Rapid Growth and How to Avoid Them


A company that grows much faster than expected can cause headaches and stress at a time when any business owner would prefer to be celebrating. While some businesses manage to transition from niche to mainstream by scaling with ease, others struggle to maintain their identity and high standards of customer service—and eventually, their profits. With these problems in mind, I’ve outlined some of the pitfalls of rapid growth , and how you, as a successful business owner, can avoid them. 1.

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Your Guide To Transitioning Into Product Management: Essentials For New PMs

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Are you considering a shift to product management or just starting your journey as a Product Manager? Join Leslie Grandy and Drew Weaver for an insightful webinar designed to help you seamlessly transition into this dynamic role. Whether you're looking to pivot your career or enhance your existing skills, this session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to succeed!

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How to Get Started Building a More Courageous Culture

Let's Grow Leaders

Want to build more innovation into your culture, but don’t know where to start? Today we offer a few quick ways to get started. 1. Start Small. There’s no need to run out and tell your team, “we’re going to build a […]. The post How to Get Started Building a More Courageous Culture appeared first on Let's Grow Leaders.

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Disadvantages Of Working From Home

Vantage Circle

Table of Contents. The Top 7 Disadvantages of Working from Home at a glance. Lack of Community and Team Work. Lack of Motivation. Unmonitored Performance and those Frequent Breaks. Lack of Office Equipment and Security Concerns. Distractions and Lack of a Good Working Environment. Burnout. Risk to Productivity. As the world is going through a big crisis, everyone had to make several adjustments to cope with it, one being organizations switching to the work from home culture and coming to terms w

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Ideas Are Leprechauns

Lateral Action

Last night I was about to go to bed when I suddenly remembered an idea I’d had for an article a few months ago. Though I say so myself, it was a great idea, and I was keen to revisit it, so I opened up the Scrivener project where I had written it down… and […]. The post Ideas Are Leprechauns appeared first on Mark McGuinness | Creative Coach. Comments Brilliant and thank you.

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What is Your Unique Leadership Promise?

Let's Grow Leaders

Your Leadership Promise Might Not Be What You Think In the age of Twitter and Instagram, you hear so many people talk about “authenticity” – but what does that actually mean for you as a leader? It’s probably not awkward social media […]. The post What is Your Unique Leadership Promise? appeared first on Let's Grow Leaders.

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The imperatives for automation success


New survey findings show that organizations that successfully automate business processes follow a few common practices.

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HIA Technologies Turns a New Chapter in Professional Development and Training

HIA Technologies announces the launch of Qvio™️ - transforming video engagement with two-way interactivity. With Qvio viewers can ask questions and get instant answers from the content owner's Author-Controlled AI™️.

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10 Crucial Employee Engagement Metrics For Successful Surveys

Vantage Circle

The corporate world has come a long way in the past two decades from being more consumer-centric to paying equal attention to its employees too. The primary reason for this shift was the realization of how the workforce played a vital role in the growth of the organization. One of the major outcomes of this was the introduction of employee engagement.

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Episode 50! Avoiding the Advice Trap with Michael Bungay Stanier

Lateral Action

Today’s guest on The 21st Century Creative is Michael Bungay Stanier, a returning guest whose interview way back in Season 1 proved very popular. And his book The Coaching Habit turned out to be even more popular, as it went on to sell three quarters of a million copies. Michael is back with some excellent […]. The post Episode 50! Avoiding the Advice Trap with Michael Bungay Stanier appeared first on Mark McGuinness | Creative Coach.

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Your comments make me realize my last post was a big mistake

Penelope Trunk

Over the past twenty years of writing this blog, many posts have been controversial. A controversial post begins with some people attacking my position and some people defending my position, then people debate each others’ opinions. My last post was not controversial. It was just bad. I knew it was really bad when the most mainstream readers and the most radical readers were both telling me the post was not making sense.

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Reimagining procurement for the next normal


Procurement has led the way out of a crisis before, and can again. But success will mean rethinking every aspect of the function.

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The Ultimate LMS Buyer’s Guide: Everything You Need to Know When Purchasing an LMS

Whether you’re shopping for your very first learning management system (LMS) or looking to upgrade, the process can be overwhelming. With so many vendor options, each with its own multitude of features and pricing structures, even the most seasoned educators, trainers, and business leaders can feel lost in a sea of choices! Finding the LMS that’s best suited for your organization requires a planned, strategic approach.

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50 Best Workplace Safety Quotes From Inspirational Figures

Vantage Circle

Safety in the workplace is a concern that should be considered strictly and closely observed. No matter in which occupation you are, safety at work is of vital importance. Employers should always assure that all the safety advantages for their workers and workers should obey all the safety laws and guidelines. According to the National Safety Council, a worker is hurt on the job every 7 seconds.

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Preparing for the next normal now: How health systems can adopt a growth transformation in the COVID-19 world


Health systems remain focused on patients and care, but proactive and targeted growth will likely need to be part of the response to financial challenges.

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The big boost: How incumbents successfully scale their new businesses


Corporations can help their new ventures scale up if they avoid these six actions that can undermine success.

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Reimagining actuaries: A Q&A with Society of Actuaries’ Greg Heidrich


The executive director of the Society of Actuaries discusses the changing role of the actuary in a world of quickly evolving data, analytics, digital work, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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India’s turning point: An economic agenda to spur growth and jobs


A clarion call is sounding for India to put growth on a sustainably faster track and meet the aspirations of its growing workforce.

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From new business to unicorn: Scaling a new corporate business


Quick pivots and a clear focus helped About You become the first $1 billion start-up business in Hamburg.

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Managing China’s growing oncology burden


Significant increases in incidence rates have made cancer a high priority in China. Progress has resulted from innovative treatments and greater access to care, yet much more needs to be done.

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Lessons for US governors and mayors planning a second term


Governors and mayors can set the stage for a productive second term by devoting time well before the election to planning.

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How To Manage Multiple Product Teams For Successful Development & Delivery

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Effective management of multiple product teams necessitates a skillful coordination and guidance with the objective of aligning efforts towards shared goals. This entails constant communication, efficient task management, and ensuring that each team aligns with the broader organizational objectives. We can think about this like conducting an orchestra, where diverse efforts are harmonized toward a unified outcome. 🎯 Proficiency in these skills empowers product managers to navigate comple

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End-to-end digital transformations for chemical companies


Digital technologies disrupt old ways of working but also reveal opportunities to improve. Chemical companies can capture value by digitizing the entirety of their value chains.

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‘Less searching, more finding’: The car-buying experience in 2030


In this interview, the former chief strategy officer of predicts a seamless digital process for car buyers—and a necessary evolution for dealers.

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Fashion on climate


How the fashion industry can urgently act to reduce its greenhouse-gas emissions.

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Using built-in advantages and innovation to scale


A commitment to partners, flexibility, and a good relationship with Bosch, the parent company, enabled scale to happen quickly for S&ST.

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eWOW 2023 Virtual Summit #OwnYourGrowth

At eWOW, we are all about holistic growth – personal and professional. Growth that goes beyond a job title and paycheck. This year, eWOW 2023 virtual summit focuses on owning your growth – an action plan that will help you chart your path to success that is unique to you.