November, 2017

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Sexual Harassment: The Second Most Troubling Part of All These Revelations

Let's Grow Leaders

The most troubling part of the recent sexual harassment revelations is that they happened. We are deeply saddened by the constant parade of allegations and the deep pain being surfaced and resurfaced for so many. No one should feel threatened or demeaned […].

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Five Communication Hurdles to Leadership Effectiveness and Influence

Career Advancement

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” ~Warren Bennis~. Client Ethan asked: A lot of misunderstandings and hurt feelings are cropping up in my organization. Crucial information often doesn’t get shared; people often feel their voices aren’t heard. As an aspiring leader , I know I need to find ways to fix the situation. What should I do?


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Digital China: Powering the economy to global competitiveness


China, already a global force in digital technologies, is set to experience huge shifts in revenue and profits as businesses digitize, boosting the economy’s international competitiveness.

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What INFJs need most (I know because I’ve coached almost all of them)

Penelope Trunk

This course runs December 4 – 7 at 7pm Eastern includes four days of video sessions and email-based materials. The cost is $195 but you can save $50 if you use this coupon code in the next two days: SAVE. Sign up now. Melissa will be there, and special guests will be there, and my kids will be there, in the background asking for things I said no to, because parents are so vulnerable when they are on live video.

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Your Guide To Transitioning Into Product Management: Essentials For New PMs

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Are you considering a shift to product management or just starting your journey as a Product Manager? Join Leslie Grandy and Drew Weaver for an insightful webinar designed to help you seamlessly transition into this dynamic role. Whether you're looking to pivot your career or enhance your existing skills, this session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to succeed!

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10 Principles for Winning the Game of Digital Disruption


A new wave of digital disruption will affect the business world broadly during the next few years. The future of your company depends on your ability to seize the opportunities. These principles lay out the timing, breadth, and scale of the change to come, and the most effective ways to respond.


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5 Ways to Differentiate Your Performance in the New Year

Let's Grow Leaders

“But I exceeded all my objectives. Why am I not rating ‘leading?’ ” It’s a frustrating conversation no matter which side of the desk you’re on. The truth is, in most companies, meeting or exceeding your objectives is not enough to stand […].

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Dealing with dissenters in the workforce—6 Ways to Encourage Dissent

Career Advancement

“May we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.”. ~Dwight D. Eisenhower~. At a team meeting, Valerie pitched a marketing strategy she’d been thinking about for a while. A fellow team member vocally outlined a number of holes in the plan, leaving Valerie feeling shaken. She’d believed this was the best idea she’d ever brought to the table.

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Fueling growth through data monetization


A new survey finds that many companies are launching data-focused businesses. But few have achieved significant financial impact, which requires the right combination of strategy, culture, and organization.

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The reason therapy doesn’t work

Penelope Trunk

My brothers are always the first people to send an email to say I misinterpreted research that I’m linking to. (Which I accept as a love note to let me know they read my posts.) So last week when my brother sent me a link he thought I’d like , he also sent me a summary: There are more men in STEM careers than women, which of course you already know.

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HIA Technologies Turns a New Chapter in Professional Development and Training

HIA Technologies announces the launch of Qvio™️ - transforming video engagement with two-way interactivity. With Qvio viewers can ask questions and get instant answers from the content owner's Author-Controlled AI™️.

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How Leaders and Their Teams Can Stop Executive Hubris


Hubris can be very damaging to companies, especially when CEOs suffer from extreme self-confidence. It leads to poor decisions, over-aggressive acquisitions, and poor morale. The good news, however, is that hubris is an acquired trait, which means it can be managed or even headed off entirely if companies and executive teams take steps to short-circuit it.

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Winners Don’t Just Want Action, They Want Quality Action


The post Winners Don’t Just Want Action, They Want Quality Action appeared first on SchellingPoint Website.

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One Awful (but Common) Leadership Practice and What To Do Instead

Let's Grow Leaders

It’s nearly a leadership cliché: “Don’t bring me a problem without a solution.” You’ve probably been on the receiving end of a harried manager barking these words at you. You may even have said them yourself. I’ve delivered many keynote programs and […].

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How to Help Your HR Team Be More Strategic

Let's Grow Leaders

When I started my first HR job at 26, my boss handed me a stack of books and two pieces of advice. (1) Always read what the client is reading and (2) learn to “talk trucks” (meaning, “learn the business, kid.”) Straight […].

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The Ultimate LMS Buyer’s Guide: Everything You Need to Know When Purchasing an LMS

Whether you’re shopping for your very first learning management system (LMS) or looking to upgrade, the process can be overwhelming. With so many vendor options, each with its own multitude of features and pricing structures, even the most seasoned educators, trainers, and business leaders can feel lost in a sea of choices! Finding the LMS that’s best suited for your organization requires a planned, strategic approach.

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7 Ways to Lead Well During Times of Uncertainty and Change

Let's Grow Leaders

Sometimes when you go to build your strategic plan, it can seem like there are more questions than answers. We’ve seen changing regulatory environments, disruptive technology, and natural disasters lead to a paralyzing cycle of “what ifs” that lead to inaction. One […].

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Want a Tighter-Knit Team? Look to the Family For Inspiration

Let's Grow Leaders

It’s our pleasure today to bring you a guest post from Scott Mautz, author of Find the Fire: Reignite Your Inspiration and Make Work Exciting Again. -Karin & David Believe it or not, we’re actually now spending more time with coworkers than family; […].

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Gratitude and Appreciation: A November Frontline Festival

Let's Grow Leaders

Welcome back to the Let’s Grow Leaders Frontline Festival. This month’s festival is about thankfulness. Thanks to Joy and Tom Guthrie of Vizwerx Group for the great pic and to all our contributors! Next month’s Frontline Festival is all about your best of 2017. […].

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Why To Explain Why, Again.

Let's Grow Leaders

Last week, we were wrapping up our final session of a six-month strategic management intensive with a group of engineering managers by helping them to synthesize what they’d learned. In addition to a number of more mainstream techniques, we asked them to […].

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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5 Top Leadership Articles for the Week of November 6, 2017

Let's Grow Leaders

Each week I read leadership articles from various online resources and share them across social media. Here are the five leadership articles readers found most valuable last week. Click on the title of the article to read the full text. I have […].

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5 Top Leadership Articles for the Week of October 30, 2017

Let's Grow Leaders

Each week I read leadership articles from various online resources and share them across social media. Here are the five leadership articles readers found most valuable last week. Click on the title of the article to read the full text. I have […].

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Hydrogen: The next wave for electric vehicles?


Battery electric vehicles are making headlines, but fuel cells are gaining momentum—with good reason. Hydrogen could play a vital role in the renewable-energy system and in future mobility.

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The transformative power of automation in banking


A second wave of automation in banking will increase capacity and free employees to focus on higher-value projects. To capture the opportunity, banks must take a strategic, rather than tactical, approach.

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eWOW 2023 Virtual Summit #OwnYourGrowth

At eWOW, we are all about holistic growth – personal and professional. Growth that goes beyond a job title and paycheck. This year, eWOW 2023 virtual summit focuses on owning your growth – an action plan that will help you chart your path to success that is unique to you.

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Making it in America: Revitalizing US manufacturing


The erosion of US manufacturing isn’t a foregone conclusion. The decade ahead—with increased demand, new technology, and value chain optimization—will give the sector a chance to turn around.

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What is the future of work?


A new podcast series from the McKinsey Global Institute explores how technologies like automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence are shaping how we work, where we work, and the skills we need to work.

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Why you need a digital data architecture to build a sustainable digital business


Companies that succeed at meeting their analytics objectives let business goals drive the technology. Here’s how they structure a data architecture that works.

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Digitizing the state: Five tasks for national governments


Public authorities cannot build great digital services on their own. They need national governments to provide the right conditions for them to succeed.

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Cancel Quiet Quitting: Detoxing Corporate Culture & Engaging Top Talent

Speaker: Jennifer Brick, Career Strategist and Author

Your employees have checked out. The last few years have been a wild ride, with countless changes to how we work and our workplace cultures, like the sudden shift to remote work, the return to office, and trends like quiet quitting. With productivity, profitability, and your employer brand on the line, leadership is turning to HR to engage employees and recreate your culture in different working models.